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Karla Perez: While in the state of coma, Women's Successful Birth of a Child!

Last April, Karla Perez gave birth to a baby boy named Angel. Unfortunately, Karla is only able to listen to the cry of her baby for two days. Because on the third day after the birth of his son, he died at the age of 22 years. Well, IsiGood capture deep emotion of the story of Karla Perez.
Seperti apa kisah hidupnya ?
Foto mendiang Karla Perez (www.nbcnews.com)
Karla Perez indeed remarkable mother figure. Since a long time, he had been sentenced to a doctor should not have children. This was done because the doctor Karla Perez suffered from acute rheumatoid arthritis. But for Karla, a child is a gift from God. When God entrusts the life in her womb, then that's when God believe that he could be a mother. Then there is no reason to fear. Finally, in 2012, successfully gave birth to a child Karla pertamaya. This is what makes it insists to keep pregnant and maintain pregnancy the fetus in both.

At the beginning of the second pregnancy, she was able to live his days with the fine. But when her pregnancy enters week 22, Karla suffered a sudden brain attack which makes coma. He was only able to lie unconscious. But interestingly, before she lapsed into a coma, he advised the family that whatever happens, the baby should still be safe.

The family eventually bring Karla to the hospital. Doctors who deal with Karla claimed that the baby is in the womb Karla still alive. The team of doctors then do everything possible to maintain the baby until the baby is ready to be delivered through cesarean. But Karla conditions more and more worrying. Only a respirator who can sustain the life of Karla.

Finally, with the agreement of the family, doctors decided to remove the baby by cesarean delivery from Karla's body. This was done because of two reasons, first, Karla has been increasingly critical condition, and the second condition of the baby is ready to be born although not yet entered the age of 9 months.

This little baby has lost her mother. (Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com)

After both parties agree, this tiny baby was successfully born safely. But amid the happy news, something bad happens. Karla Perez, mother of the baby should last breath two days after birth. Now the baby was raised by Berta Jimenez, mother Karla Perez.

Angel and her grandmother (Source: assets.nydailynews.com)

Incredible story of Karla Perez does not stop here. Apparently, before he lapsed into a coma, he also advised the family to donate organs if one bad thing befall him. Real family feel heavy with this request. However, as a form of love for the late Karla Perez, the family grant this last request. Now, liver, heart and kidneys Karla has been donated to people in need.

Gooders, the story of Karla Perez deserves to be an inspiration for us. See, in very difficult circumstances, he still has a tremendous spirit to survive for the sake of her child. It's a touching life story.

Now, the figure of Karla not only live in the body of his son, but also live in the body of those who received the liver, kidneys and heart.

Goodbye Karla Perez ...

This 5 Features Person Secretly Falling Hearts to you

You sometimes never suspected if there is a friend or even a friend who secretly love or fall in love with you. Often, your sensitivity will be biased by the thinness of the distance between friendship and feelings of love to another type. Because in general, loved ones never felt never attract his attention, sometimes even act as it is reasonable to make the absurdity carried to other good friends.

This may have been going on for a long time, but you're less sensitive that they do not know it. So it is like you are more able to feel, maybe you've been going out with the friends.

Actually it's easy to know the natural features such friends. These characteristics purely out of his subconscious, driven by admiration dare not disclosed.
Lirik cinta memikat hati (japanesestation.com)
Dengan melihat setiap gerak-geriknya dan juga bagaimana cara dia berteman denganmu, bisa disimpulkan tingkat kewajarannya atau sudah tidak wajar sama sekali. Inilah ciri-ciri alamiah orang yang diam-diam jatuh hati kepadamu.

1. Selalu Penasaran Tentang Dirimu

Dia akan menjelma menjadi pendengar yang baik, setiap kali kamu berbicara, khususnya segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan hidupmu dan kebiasaanmu. Hal ini biasanya dikarenakan dia sangat peduli denganmu. Effort yang akan dia lakukan seringkali sudah diluar kewajaran, misalnya mengorek informasi tentang kamu lewat teman-teman baikmu.

2. Kapanpun, Dimanapun, Selalu Ada Alasan Agar Bisa Berkomunikasi Dengan Kamu

Pasti selalu ada alasan agar bisa berbicara sama kamu. Entah langsung atau sekedar berkirim sms, WA, BBM dan sebagainya. Pada saat itu, apapun yang kamu katakan, atau yang kamu kirim via sms, WA atau BBM-an, akan sangat bermakna bagi dia.
Bila sampai terjadi, lama tidak bertemu, maka jurus berikutnya adalah menyapa di akun media sosial kamu. Pokoknya, selalu saja ada alasan untuk dibicarakan.
Terutama bila kamu berterus terang tentang masalahmu, maka dia akan semakin menjadi pendengar yang baik, disertai dengan segala advice darinya.

3. Dia Mampu Mengingatkanmu Akan Sesuatu Hal Yang Kecil Yang Terjadi Di Masa Lalu, Yang Pernah Kamu Ucapkan Kepadanya, atau Kalian Lakukan Bersama

Semua kejadian yang berhubungan denganmu akan terekam baik di dalam database ingatannya. Folder di dalam memorinya sangat besar untuk menampung segala hal tentang kamu.

4. Jangan Heran Kalau Dia Tahu Semua Kesukaanmu

Orang yang secara diam-diam suka sama kamu, pasti tahu tentang apa yang kamu suka. Jika dia mampu atau ada kesempatan, dia akan berusaha untuk memberikan atau menunjukannya. Misalnya kamu bilang kalau kamu suka sama seorang penyanyi. Pasti suatu saat kelak dia akan sering mengajak diskusi tentang penyanyi tersebut dan lagu-lagunya.
Contoh lain, kamu punya keinginan untuk mengunjungi tempat yang indah. Maka ada kemungkinan dia akan membuat acara di tempat itu dan kamu di ajak juga meskipun dengan teman yang lainnya atau di lakukan bersama-sama dengan seluruh teman kalian.

5. Sangat Perhatian, Tapi Berusaha Dikemas Tidak Berlebihan

Dia akan selalu memberi perhatian kepadamu. Perhatiannya memang tidak berlebihan, tapi perhatiannya itu tidak selayaknya seorang teman biasa.

Men character The Fun To Dating, But Not Suitable So spouses

Every woman in this world must have longed for the presence of a man who was the best in his life. Together with men, women shall apply the criteria of the ideal man. Especially for women, must expect to meet with a man who is able to lead his family in the future.

But, to be able to get that perfect is not easy. Because it is not perfect in this world. But the search for the best for you is mandatory. Do not get carried away by first impressions are not necessarily as sweet as the original. Because it has become a habit, the early moments of introduction always begins with the best performance, attitude tersantun, and said words sweetest.

Well, among the imperfection of men, lest you make a fatal mistake in choosing them. Recognize the characteristics of a man who has the potential to "ultra 180%" compared to the beginning of the introduction. Do not assume trivial these traits to be naive and dark logic against potential bad reality in the future. That is, not to be drowned and swept with kindness beyond the limits of reasonableness.

Pria (fanpop.com)
Should refer to the characteristics of the man below you deserve avoid especially when used as a boyfriend or to get married. Though only slightly, but hopefully useful to you, especially the women.

1. Too Much Giving
Men are too much to give, well whatever you ask or not you ever ask for, you just need to avoid. Indeed, sometimes it is hard because that is what most women. If you really want to continue dealing with it, you should be careful. Because such men usually want a reply which sometimes can hurt you.

2. Love Seducing
Women are basically most like to be wooed. And has become law anyway, most men like to woo the woman he loves. But try to recognize the quality and quantity rayuannya.

Men who love to seduce girls also deserves to be avoided because it opens the possibility he would do to other women. Notice how he seduced you, and watch as often as if he seduce you. Is he experienced enough in this regard? So that it can be current or future she would do the other woman who thinks interesting.

3. Like to Borrow Money
New long known yet, even daring and did not hesitate to borrow money from you. It is clear to watch. Except, he had known you longer, or at least never be a friend.

4. Never Tells Families
The man who needs to be avoided is a rare man who never even talked about his family. It was necessary because, extreme examples, it could be after you dating a long and something bad happened recently admitted that he was married and had children.

5. You Dare Touching Body Parts
Others if he had dared to touch parts of your body though not long known. If that happens the better to avoid him. Unless you want or even like it if he so. That's for you.

6. Rarely Keeping Promise and Make Lots of Reasons Unclear
Men who like to give a reason is not clear when making a mistake, you should avoid it because it is sufficient to show that he was not truthful with what he had done.

Like this guy does not fit if used as couples and should be avoided because it could be he is no sudden event with another woman. Because if this issue or any other job, of course, she'll give you an explanation and usually it rarely happens if he's just like the workers in general.

7. Too often Flit boyfriend
No need to fear the kind of guy like this. Alternated boyfriend is not a taboo. But if its frequency, and there is no decent excuse to explain it, this is what should be vigilance.

8. Suddenly Changed behavior and Hide-hidden when Receiving Mobile Phone Through its
If there is nothing to hide, or even though there are things that are extremely privacy-no, still no bounds of reasonableness that do not need to surreptitiously or selintutan when it calls on his cell phone rang.

9. Never Talking Dreams and Goals Her life
This is an indicator that you can use to measure their future. He shall be responsible for the future of her, and the family that will be built with him. Life is not for today only. The future must begin with a dream and the effort and hard work from now on.

10. His appearance guy Similar Artists
Not a handsome man that you should avoid, but the man who always dressed like an artist. It should also be avoided because these men like charisma to anyone. Indeed, for this is quite membaggakan for some women. But what if he's willing to offer enough in-lihatin when with you or she is seduced another woman when not with you ?. Of course the answer is no, because if your boyfriend is not strong he could have an affair behind you.


The tenth character is not something that is 100% definitely true! But if you really become kewaspadaanmu in a relationship with a man, why not? For the sake of your future more beautiful.

Hai Anak Kos, Inilah Kelebihan Dari Kamu yang Hidup Merantau !

Ujian nasional telah kamu lewati. Kini saatnya kamu menyiapkan diri dan mengumpulkan amunisi untuk memasuki universitas yang kamu inginkan. Nah, Gooders, dimanakah tujuan belajarmu selanjutnya?
Selepas masa SMA, kamu harus bersiap-siap menjadi mahasiswa. Wah, Keren! Tapi sedihnya, tidak sedikit dari kamu yang harus meninggalkan kampung halaman untuk melanjutkan kuliah. Mau bagaimana lagi, mungkin di daerah asalmu tidak ada universitas yang sesuai dengan keinginan. Hingga akhirnya mau tidak mau kamu harus merantau, meninggalkan sanak saudara untuk sementara waktu demi menuntut ilmu.
Well, sudah siapkah kamu menjadi anak rantau?
Banyak yang memiliki bayangan buruk tentang hidup di perantauan. Terutama kamu yang selama ini hidup di desa dan memiliki destinasi studi di kota besar (contohnya saya sendiri). Kamu pasti hawatir dengan maraknya isu “kenakalan” ala kota, tingginya kriminalitas, perbedaan gaya hidup kota dan lain sebagainya. Kamu juga merasa pesimis untuk menjalani hidup jauh dari orang tua. Tapi sebenernya, kehawatiranmu ini agak berlebihan sobat!
Justru ketika kamu merantau, kamu mendapatkan hal-hal baik yang tidak didapatkan oleh mereka yang selalu tinggal bersama orang tua! Apa itu?

 1. Lebih bisa survive di lingkungan baru

Ketika kamu memutuskan untuk merantau, saat itulah kamu memiliki keberanian untuk keluar dari zona aman yang selama ini kamu miliki. Kamu akan memasuki sebuah tempat yang mungkin belum pernah kamu singgahi sebelumnya. Kamu akan bertemu dengan begitu banyak orang yang asing bagimu. Di awal masa perantauan, kamu mungkin merasa kesepian, tidak betah dan homesick tingkat tinggi.
Eits, tapi justru di saat itulah skill bertahan hidup mu sedang dilatih. Kamu akan mulai menempa keberanian untuk berkenalan dengan orang baru. Mengumpulkan teman satu persatu hingga akhirnya kamu memiliki begitu banyak teman. Setelah kamu berhasil berteman dengan banyak orang, perlahan kamu akan mendapatkan kenyamanan hidup di tanah rantau. Hal semacam ini nantinya akan bermanfaat bagimu ketika kamu mengalami kondisi serupa. Kamu tidak akan terlalu canggung ketika kamu berada dalam situasi baru. Kamu akan lebih mudah beradaptasi dan menyamankan diri di zona yang tidak nyaman.

2. Cerdas dalam manajemen keuangan

Ketika di rumah, kamu mungkin tidak terlalu risau dengan kondisi dompet. Ya iyalah, kamu hanya memikirkan uang untuk jajan dan hal-hal tersier lainnya. Sedangkan untuk makan dan kebutuhan pokok yang lain, tinggal kamu minta saja ke orang tua. Kalau uang saku habis, setidaknya kamu tetap bisa makan dengan kenyang di rumah.
Kondisi ini akan berbeda ketika kamu merantau. Kamu akan dipercaya oleh orang tua untuk memegang sejumlah uang dalam jumlah yang lebih besar daripada uang jajanmu ketika di rumah. Nah pada saat itu, kamu harus cerdas dalam mengatur penggunaan uang. Kalau tidak, bisa-bisa kamu akan foya-foya di awal bulan namun mengais recehan di akhir bulan.
Ketika kamu merantau, kamu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya atas dirimu sendiri. Kamu harus memperhitungkan kebutuhan-kebutuhanmu sendiri. Mulai dari kebutuhan mutlak seperti makan, bensin, pulsa dan alat mandi. Sampai kepada kebutuhan-kebutuhan lain yang tidak terduga. Maka, anak rantau biasanya lebih memiliki kecerdasan dalam manajemen keuangan.

3. Mengatasi masalah dengan mandiri

Saat masih tinggal bersama orang tua, kamu cenderung merasa aman ketika menghadapi masalah. Ada masalah apa, tinggal ngadu saja ke orang tua. Lalu orang tua akan membantu mengatasi masalahmu. Tapi, ketika kamu merantau, kamu akan lebih berpikir mandiri dalam mengatasi sebuah permasalahan. Orang tuamu sedang berada di tempat yang jauh, maka tidak mungkin kamu menggantungkan diri kepada mereka. Inilah sebabnya, ketika kamu merantau, kamu akan terbiasa melakukan hal-hal yang belum pernah kamu lakukan sebelumnya. Misalnya kamu mulai terbiasa pergi ke bengkel sendiri, masak sendiri, nyuci baju, nyuci motor sendiri dan lain sebagainya.

4. Banyak Saudara

Dimana kamu tinggal saat di perantauan? Ngekos atau kontrak? Apapun itu, kamu akan mulai tinggal bersama dengan orang baru. Tinggal satu atap dengan orang yang belum pernah kamu kenal sebelumnya itu tidak mudah lho! Kamu harus memahami karakter masing-masing, dan mulai menjalin pertemanan. Dari sini, kamu akan belajar tentang indahnya berbagi, saling membantu, saling menghibur, saling memaafkan dan saling menjaga. Ketika kamu berhasil melakukan hal-hal ini, kamu akan merasa punya keluarga baru di perantauanmu. Kamu tidak akan merasa kesepian, karena di perantauan pun kamu merasa hommy dengan keluarga barumu. Cuma anak rantau lho yang mendapatkan hal-hal seperti itu!

5. Lebih paham prioritas.

Saat tinggal bersama orang tua, kamu akan berada dalam pengawasan mereka selama 24 jam nonstop. Kamu akan kena omel ketika kamu melakukan hal-hal yang menyimpang. Kamu akan mendapatkan arahan orang tua agar selalu on the right track.
Nah, ketika kamu merantau, kamu tidak akan merasakan hal itu. Jalan hidup di depanmu ditentukan oleh pilihanmu sendiri. Ini memang konfliktual sih, karena jika kamu tidak bisa kontrol diri kamu akan terjerumus ke arus yang tidak diinginkan. Tapi jika kamu menggunakan akal sehat, kamu akan lebih memiliki prioritas daripada mereka yang tidak merantau. Kamu memiliki prioritas untuk cepat lulus, belajar serius dan tidak hanya main-main aja. Kenapa? Karena kamu ingat bahwa ada orang tua yang bercucuran keringat demi menyekolahkan kamu!

6. Waktu bertemu keluarga menjadi sangat spesial

Wah , inilah momen yang paling ditunggu oleh mahasiswa perantauan. Tidak jarang mahasiswa rantau hanya memiliki kesempatan pulang kampung satu kali dalam setahun. Kamu akan rindu dengan wanginya aroma masakan ibumu. Kamu rindu dengan hiruk pikuk daerah asalmu. Rindu dengan pertengkaran antara kamu dan suadara kandungmu. Maka momentum pulang kampung adalah momen yang sangat membahagiakanmu. Ketika kamu kembali berkumpul dengan keluarga yang telah lama kamu rindukan, kamu akan merasa begitu bahagia! Bukankah semakin lama berpisah, semakin mesra saat berjumpa?

Although Felt One of the Department, Wulan Achieve Success Now and Have Dozens of Employees

What would you do if you feel any of the majors in college? Quit college or continuing to pass because it was remarkably wet? The second option was never a dilemma for Tsummadana Wulan Setyoningrum. At first, the woman who was familiarly called Wulan's dreams of becoming a doctor. However, because hampered tuition, she decided to go to Department of Information Engineering University Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Semarang.

Although disappointed, Wulan not necessarily stop the lecture. He actually studied diligently as a form of devotion to parents. In fact, Wulan managed to graduate cum laude. What could make it achieve that? According to Wulan, he was saved by the Entrepreneurship course. At that time, the professor assigns pioneering effort without capital. The task of making the spirit of college bubbling. "Because I can sell, so that's what I choose," said Wulan.

Wulan decided to sell Muslim dress. In 2009, he sold his secondhand clothes in the market. See the merchandise sold, he was more the spirit of selling Muslim clothing. Wulan was working with the three brands of Muslim clothing. "I open the pre-order system. Buyer pays an advance so I do not need capital when ordering clothes, "he said.

Wulan, beautiful girl who persevere in trying (peluangusaha.kontan.co.id)

Appropriate strategies needed to survive in the fierce competition in the sale of Muslim clothing in the country. So, Wulan stressed the importance of innovation and branding. Each month, he produced a model of Muslim clothing latest design. Because no background designer, Wulan diligent see reference designs Muslim clothes on the internet. At first he entrusted the design on his mother's sewing hobby. Now he is believed to have a design team to update the product model Miulan Hijab. However, the final touch, especially on the color, remain in the hands Wulan.

This beautiful girl tend to choose bright colors for the product Miulan Hijab. Determination of color was adapted to the target market, namely women from 17 years old to 35-year-old young mother. "Bright colors Miulan Hijab shows that consumers are the ones who vigorously," said the eldest of four siblings.

Now Wulan producing various Muslim clothing, especially veils and abayas. Product prices range from Rp 40,000 to Rp 400,000 per piece. Every month, women born in Semarang, December 23, 1990, it could produce more than 10,000 pieces of veils and abayas 2,000. Do not stop on Muslim clothes, since last year, Wulan started making dolls Muslim. These dolls are sold for Rp 95,000-Rp 155,000 per piece. Although relatively new product, it could sell up to 1,000 dolls per month.

Various veil of Miulan Hijab (miulanhijab.com)

To overcome overwhelmed in the fields of production, Wulan empower housewife who lived around the house. The housewives are tasked to make accessories that will be affixed to the shirt. "I gave the materials and tools to make flower arrangements, then they do at home," he explained. Currently, there are about 40 housewives who are empowered by Wulan. In one day, housewives can earn around Rp 30,000-Rp 40,000 to make accessories veils.

Wulan persistence in business entrepreneurship awarded from a bank for the category field of creative endeavor. In the future, Wulan hope the product can be used to abroad. "I also hope that young people are not wasting time is not clear, but the work so that more Indonesian products could go international," said Wulan. This year, she will expand by building warehouses and outlet Miulan Hijab. Furthermore, Wulan also preparing some new products, such as clothes swimsuit Muslim and Muslim men.

For Wulan, capital is not a major issue in the attempt. If you do not have the capital, we can be creative in a pioneering effort, for example by selling other people's products. "The effort was there the process, so live it first from the smallest. Then begin to innovate in order to continue to grow the business, "he concluded.

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